Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020
career counselling career guidanceCareer counselors are many in India because everybody love to counsel in India.
Many people who cousel have many motives. But the export counsellors are rare commodity.
You should go to expert counsellors, counselor because
So that you do not realise it after your graduation in science that management would have been a better option for you and then disasters like Bsc and LLB happens! And end up being in a call center or an unwanted job with unhappy career growth which will not grow in the direction of how it should have been. It s like you stand nowhere! Right advice at right time is all the counts. FROM NOWHERE TO NOW HERE IS WHAT A COUNSELLOR DOES
A career counsellor will likely increase your chance to discover the right career for you. Which also helps you understnand your own fitment for different career paths. It is a two way work, so you must be equally involved as well in order to contribute toward the results. An expert is capable to help you understand yourself well on various dimensions. These dimensions are critical for choosing the right career. There are very detailed analysis required and to exactly help you with this process, an expert is essential.
why such question is raised? That is the most unfortunate situation.
So if we have heart ailment and want to repair our we go to carpenter?
If answer is already know why do you go to trained...counsellor for scientific,realistic,practical,feasible,unbiased solution....
A career counselor would ve analysed the pros and cons in every aspect that are pertaining to each client. Each client and each student s capabilities are different. Each individual has different aspirations. And a lot of students today, are influenced with what they see around than what they want to achieve and hence are lot more confused. They would like to get into a path which most of their known people are following and are successful themselves. They least anticipate the risks and struggles involved in achieving the same. The counselor is the right person to contact. He/she would give proepr timely guidance to overcome hurdles and also discuss the best possible career path and clusters that are best suited.